Ministry & Missions: Unfiltered
Ministry & Missions: Unfiltered
I Read the New Testament in Hungarian

I Read the New Testament in Hungarian

What is Your GOAL for Bible Reading Next Year?

I read through the New Testament in English and Hungarian this year! Why? Well, I had some very specific goals—primarily, language learning. What is your goal for your time in God’s Word next year? If you’ve never read through the entire Bible in one year, do that! If you’ve done that, but would like some variety, check out my favorite Bible reading plan, the M’Cheyne reading plan, on the YouVersion app, or download a pdf here:

M'Cheyne Reading Plan Full calendar with preface by Robert Murray M'Cheyne

Single Page printable PDF

If you find yourself stuck in a rut, I challenge you to pray about having a specific GOAL to your Bible reading next year. And, stick to it! Don’t just go through the motions… examine WHY you do what you do, and seek to grow in specific ways in 2023.

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Ministry & Missions: Unfiltered
Ministry & Missions: Unfiltered
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